You should be able to remove the HDMI lead for the monitor and any keyboard / mouse and remote into it with full use of the remote mouse/keyboard with full native Desktop. Connect to your VNC server from the client using the command. Reboot the server and once Ubuntu has started you can go into your VNC Viewer in Windows and create a new connection to connect to the server. Here you want to edit the nf and add all the below code into the file. This next line tricks the server to think there is a monitor attached. Sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-dummy This will disable encryption over the connection so remember not to use it for anything of importance Vncserver -kill :1 gsettings set require-encryption false Here enter a password, and select no to view only Sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade sudo apt install xfce4 xfce4-goodies tightvncserver The PuTTY SSH client can be used to configure SSH tunneling on Windows systems. Additionally, well demonstrate how to establish a secure SSH tunnel connection to the VNC server. Head to the terminal and enter these commands below The installation and configuration of a VNC server on Ubuntu 20.04 are covered in this article. Click 'Require a Password' button and enter a password. You will want to click on 'Screen Sharing', again enabling the switch, allowing connections to control the screen. Head to Settings/Sharing and enable the Sharing switch at the top of the screen.

First of all you want to set a Static IP Address on your Ubuntu 20.04 in netowrk settings This Guide will allow you to connect to a tightVNCserver on Ubuntu 20.04 with no monitor or keyboard attached to the Server. The problem i was having prior to this was it previously needed a monitor plugged in - in order for the mouse and keyboard to work.