Then click play to start (will ask to update, don’t do that).

So make sure this is turned off, also when playing any other game in Origin. If you don’t do that, the game will freeze at launch. – Go to your preferences of Origin and turn off “ingame Origin” and “Automatically update the game” (select-box). – After successful installation login into Origin and add the serial – Click “Install” and let Porting Kit install the Windows Origin. – On the Porting Kit library –> server tab search for Red Alert 3 – Get the C&C Ultimate collection serial (if you don’t have it already) – Download Porting Kit (if you don’t have it already). This Origin version means that no CD’s or the First Decade DVD are required anymore to play these games! I played as well Generals Campaign as 3 campaign missions in Zero Hour. This means 17 Command & Conquer titles! This collection includes also Generals and Zero Hour which can be played in this Origin wrapper.

This collection contains: the whole C&C collection untill C&C 4 Tiberian Twilight. It is finally here…C&C Red Alert 3 the Origin version using the Command and Conquer Ultimate Collection version of the game. Porting Kit is the new application which “ports” the game to your Mac. Great news! This game is already available in the Porting Kit. This page contains information + tools how to port this game so you can play it on your Mac just like a normal application.

Welcome to the “C&C Red Alert 3” for Mac game page.